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  • keneddyr

Day 38 - Progress has been good

38 days along the way and I can report that progress has been good and consistent.  There have been a few plateaus, but they've only last 2 days at a max.  In the past I've had plateaus that last 4/5 days.  Those are the worrisome ones.

I’ve lost a total of 18.3 pounds.  Lost a few inches.  My BMI is coming down. 

I've been battling a cold for a week and it's impacted my working out. Hopefully that will clear up in a few days.

THe BMI should trend like the weight loss. Its a bit of a motivator to see the BMI rank me as morbidly obese. It's a great goal to shoot for. I think at around 223 I fall into a different category.

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