I’ve come to the conclusion again that the drivers up here for the most part are butts. Most of the time we turn left onto route 1. Often times it’s a constant stream of cars and they for the most part close the gap following too close to the car in front. I sat today for 3 minutes. Not one car would slow down and let me cut in front. A few actually sped up. Finally, I got a small window and took it. If this continues I’ll take the right and make a u turn down the road.
When I’m driving I slow down and lets everyone who needs a chance to go. I don’t do it because I’m nice. I do it to be an asshole to the people behind me.
The town is doing some kind of a study in an effort to help the traffic. I think a step in the right direction would be to slow the traffic to 30 and potentially add lights at every cross street.