Switched to an online class out of Richmond. Huge mistake. In the classroom the teacher could see the pained looks on our face and use more english. This teacher just goes on and on in French and I understand less and less. It also seems that she always calls on me first and I sound like a bumbling 72 year old fool as I stumble through the answering of her question.
I’m still burning a ton of time. The books like the language suck. All in French. So every page I suck into google translate. Translate it. Review it. Copy, paste into word and reformat. It takes about 15 minutes to get through a page. If their are exercises it could be an hour. I worked on next weeks assignment and it was an hour. Now tonight she assigned something different.
On a positive note I use DuoLingo as a training tool and its helped a bit. Every few months they have a 3 week tournament for the people in the diamond league. I finished, 3rd, then second and in the finals I finished first. I ammassed 30,001. 2nd and 3rd had 10500 and 9800. The sad part is that I figured out how to ammass points by doing math along side the french. I do french a bit, but to generate a lot of points quickly I do ‘basic’ math. So essentially I cheated.
I’ve been looking for a French grammar book that’s in English. I’ve not had much success. The two that I have are like I said before all in French.