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  • keneddyr

Cleared First Plateau

This was a short one. Although the calories in were good before and during the plateau the issue seems to be that the calories out were a bit low. Yesterday, I spent 2 hours and 17 minutes out dealing with the mess left by all these leaves. Then I spent about an hour walking the yard while Leo drove his ATV around the yard.

I adjusted my start weight to reflect a weight captured when I returned from the doctors. The scale said I was 254. My scale said 249. There is a gap between my goal loss and actual loss, but I think from past experiences the first couple of weeks usually have dramatic weight loss numbers.

This graph captures my goal weight loss which is a constant subtracted from the starting weight. It also has a predicted weight based upon adding calories in, subtracting calories out, subtracting the BMR and factoring in that burning an excess of 3500 calories should result in a one-pound weight loss. This number is a bit off. I need to go back and make sure I got my equation correct.

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