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  • keneddyr

Closing down for winter pissing contest

For the last three years the skirting has been down on the kitchen side or the bedroom side. I’ve always felt that it was either a wind issue or the seasonal closing people not buttoning down the hatch so to speak.

Earlier in the season I spoke with the owner of the company that installed the skirting and his position was that wind wouldn’t cause it to blow out from the top. He said that it may blow out from the bottom if the wind gets really bad.

As a side note no other neighbors have experienced skirting being down at the start of the season.

This morning I stopped in to retrieve the keys. Wasn’t too painful until the guy asked why. My response was that we’ve decided to go in a different direction. During the winter I asked a neighbor to check and he sent me a few pictures. The back panel was down and out like it had been previously. Critters would have easy access. The side was just opened a bit. The guy I spoke with said he has no reason to go under the trailer as all work is done from the main water point. He said the blow the lines clear with compressed air then following some procedure they pump antifreeze into the lines. There’s a bypass valve they engage under the kitchen sink to get the antifreeze to flow around the hot water heater into the hot water lines. They also go around to all drains and pour antifreeze and do the same to the toilet tank and bowl. He asked who I was going with and when I told him who he bad mouthed the guy. This same guy when I asked about roof supports for the winter was kind of arrogant. I’ve never liked him, but I can’t let that influence what he says is the process.

So we’re going to try the new guy. We’re going to be here while the works going on. I’m probably going to screw the skirting down in a few strategic places.

It will be interesting to see if the new guy goes under or does all his work from the back.

Here’s some pictures of the open skirting.

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