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  • keneddyr

Diet - Day 14

Lots of exercise yesterday loading and packing the truck. Was a bit short on the calories.

Lost 4.8 pounds in the last two days. Now at 237.3 this morning. However, good the loss is I can’t really explain that. 5 pounds of fat should translate into a net deficit of (5-*3600) or 18000 calories. I’ve not been in a deficit to that degree. Some of it will be fat loss, but I suspect it’s more consistent with a water weight loss. Yesterday and the day before I drank about 50 ounces of water. Which is down from the 80 ounces a day over the previous 5/6 days. It has to be the water. I didn’t notice any edema when I measured my ankles yesterday. I guess a good amount of daily water intake should be around 60 to 80 ounces. I should do this scientifically by maybe a week at 60, then 70 and finally 80 and measure the effect.

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