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  • keneddyr

Diet - Day 6

Updated: Jun 15

Another pound. 244.1 (day 1) to 240.3 (day 6). 3.8 pounds. Drank another 88/90 ounces of water yesterday. Feeling a bit better to see progress.

Somedays, after a lot of exercising I weigh in again. Today was one of those days. I dropped below 240. Small milestone. Anytime I drop below ##0 and sustain it I feel good about my progress.

The scale though, is acting funny. It provides an estimate of body fat. It’s been reporting in the mid 20s. In the past it used to be mid 30s. I wonder if it’s something to do with the pacemaker or afib!

Spent an hour “fixing” all the mistakes I introduced into my weight tracking excel spreadsheet when I added a few column that shifted other columns. The vlookup function has a value that references the column within the row you’ve found to extract data. There’s got to be a better way to reference the column variable so I don’t introduce these errors in the future.

Another day where I drank a lot of water. I think growing up the grandparents and my mother would always inquire if I was thirsty and why I would drink water. They were afraid of the diabetes. My father’s younger sister had developed diabetes as a child and of course they were concerned. As a result I tended not to drink water a lot. It’s been two weeks of drinking in excess of 80 ounces and three weeks without diet soda.

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