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  • keneddyr

Doctor’s appointment (or disappointment) today

Update: 1330 - still in Afib.

The short term plan is a beta blocker to get me through the summer.  He strongly suggested, no marathons, triathlons or climbing Mount Katadin. 

When I return we’ll take a checkpoint in late September.  At that point he’ll probably suggest another ablation.  As we spent sometime going over that as an option.  If I wasn’t going to Maine he probably would have scheduled it 2/3 weeks out than another 2/3 weeks for a follow up. 

Morning update - Assuming he’s on time I should have a sense for what’s in store for correcting the afib by about 13:30 today.

He could choose or suggest:

  1. Do nothing - I want it fixed. There seems to be a position that as long as the rates controlled don’t worry about the rhythm in the elderly. Leaving it uncorrected can lead to stroke potential, heart failure and dementia. Oh effin joy.

  2. Medication - may work. May need a normal rhythm to start off.

  3. Ablation - number 5, 6, or 7. I’ve lost count.

If nothing changes the pacemaker will fail sooner, because it needs to fire to both leads.


As to when. I’d prefer asap, but I feel the need to get up to Maine although that is a ying and yang type of event. Don’t mind relaxing at the beach or in my recliner, it’s just everything else that triggers anxiety and feeling of being used.

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