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  • keneddyr

Feel like Bill Murray in Caddyshack

Updated: Aug 24

When we arrived in late June we had had some critters inside the house over the winter. There was evidence most in our bedroom. Took about 3 hours to clean up and sanitize the place. There has been no evidence in the living area while we’ve been here.

The past few weeks I took a number of projects on to insure we don’t have a repeat when we return next season.

The stairs were constructed sloppily. The stringers are about 1/2 too long so there is a gap at the back of each step. I took the innermost plank off each level and installed this wire mesh covering this gap so critters couldn’t get up on the steps and climb below the house.

There were two areas on the bottom of the house where the vapor barrier was disturbed. The plastic was torn and the insulation was moved. I taped up the holes, covered them with plastic, then covered that area with wire mesh. Both areas had pipes or wires that critters could climb up. I don’t see how they could get into the house as all pipe entry points that I can see have had steel wool stuffed around and have been duct taped.

I discovered 6 pathways where the critters had burrowed under the skirting. I dumped about a cubic yard of soil in suspected areas and ramped them down. One particular area seems to be a favorite because for the last 3 days they’ve reopened tunnels under the skirting. Today I buried a wire mesh barrier around this spot and stuffed some steel wool around a few gaps. I buried about a dozen moth balls near the area. It will be interesting to see if they breech this barrier. Maybe a batch of cement will be next.

There is a gap between the house and the porch. Maybe more sloppy carpentry or perhaps allowing for expansion. The gap is around a half inch. I stuffed the gap with a round foam tube. This should prevent any climbing in from below. Might also help with humidity.

UPDATE 08/24: No pathways detected. So they're either stuck underneath or didn't make it in. I will inspect underneath and see if I can determine if they are underneath and the mesh prevented their exit.

I have had two poison dispensers under the house and when I checked they had been gnawing on the poison. I also have captured 2 mice and a frog in glue traps.

When we leave moth balls will be put in all the draws as well as in the house. Packets of poison will be put out and another poison dispenser will be up in the living area. All linen, bedding, pillows, mattresses will be wrapped in plastic. All cushions will be put in the upper bunks in the bunk room.

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