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  • keneddyr

Leg 1 - Complete

Left 23116 at 7:15. Hit the express lane and passed a lot of cars. Got on 495 moved well until rte 50. Dunno why it stopped. The rest of the trip went great until we hit the Quomo Bridge. Someone crashed and we sat moving inches at a time for 25 minutes. Some trucker was driving on my butt. Got upset when someone jumped the line in front of me. Then I slowed even more letting 5 cars in. Kept blowing his horn. I kept giving him the looser sign.

During the trip 2 cars and a truck cut me off leaving little room for error. Saw a lot of these moves during the trip. It was a bit disturbing for me because my decision making process and reaction was painfully slow.

Lunch was BURGER King on the Jersey pike. Yummy. The stopped had been gutted and built new. The men’s room smelt and was as dirty as it was before the rebuild.

I observed that the cataract is going to be a problem. Had trouble seeing clearly from the left. Perhaps that’s why my reaction time and evasive action was so slow.

Now to rest a bit.

Tomorrow it will be about 4 hours. Then the rest of day unloading, unpacking and opening up. Oh joy.

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