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  • keneddyr

Lots of issues


Hot water heater misbehaving

Heat pump misbehaving

I’ll be honest in stating I’ve never liked this place. It was a stupid purchase. We’ve easily poured 10k into it in improvements. The idea was to go to a cooler place in the summer. Well it’s not cooler. It’s as humid. It’s crowded. We’re 650 miles away from our house. It costs 1000 a month for the loan and about 600 a month for lot rent. For 16000 we could have rented a turnkey solution. But now we have this money pit. Then we have the added benefit of visiting relatives. Everything they did in the construction was done on the cheap. It’s a trailer. Nothing you can say makes it any better. Just a cheap trailer.

So tomorrow we’ll need to get an ac guy out. Who knows what that will lead to.

The water heat took three days last year to recover. Fortunately we can shower at the various run down showers in this dump.

I’m ready to go home.

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