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  • keneddyr

Mini split HVAC system

This is our 3rd season. I’ve really not been able to completely understand the system. On cool where we spend most of our time, the house is either cool or warm. Right now the temp is set at 75 and it’s cool. At night I set it to 70 and it’s warm. There are 4 temperatures involved. There’s an outside temperature measured at the compressor and its influenced by the sun. Then there is the temperature setting. Then there is an ambient temperature number. Finally, there is the actual temp. The ambient temperature I believe is noteworthy below (cooling) or above (heating). It will cool or heat until the ambient temperature is +- 3 or 5 degrees. I think all the brains are up at the air handler which is up by the ceiling. So I run the ceiling fans to mix the air. It seems having the fan on or off really doesn’t make much of a difference.

I need to read the book again and reacquaint myself with the system.

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