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  • keneddyr

Same Routine

Been here since Tuesday. It took about 3 days to address the myriad of issues.

  1. The big one was the a/c. Hopefully socking down the fittings was the issue.

  2. Mice wintered inside. Took about 3 hours of cleaning to address. I’m still trying to figure out how they got in. The rv people who closed failed again to put the skirting up. Lazy and sloppy. We’re going to look for a new provider.

  3. Uncovering all the outside yard stuff revealed the mice also spent some of the winter under the picnic table. I will spray under the building, hang mothballs under the building, deploy rodent poison. Were at least 60 feet from the woods and even further from any bird feeder, but I found some acorns and bird seed leftovers while cleaning.

  4. Put a 4x4 in a 3 foot hole and hung to bike hangers off it to hold the bikes.

  5. Took about 3 days for the hot water heater to work correctly. There’s a mechanical mixing valve. I also wonder if the dopes who close deal with the hot water heater. They’re supposed to blow all the water out, charger the system with antifreeze, dump some antifreeze down the drains and toilets.

  6. Bought the usual hundred dollars worth of flowers.

  7. Haven’t done an adequate food shop yet. Just another pet peeve. We don’t cook. We eat out and that’s the biggest diet killer.

Still hate the place and what it represents. The drivers absolutely suck and no one gives you a break and let you out. I sense a lot speed up. I hate having to turn left out of here. Going right takes you to Ogunquit. Today our average speed to go through that town was 4 miles per hour. It’s a 3 mile distance. Do the math. Can’t wait to leave this state. I’m sure we’ll go to Boston. We may go to Nova Scotia. We’ll go to those same birthday parties.

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