Lying in bed at 1am or so it was still an elevated rate at rest. Hovering around 90, but the wave looked normal.
Well sometime before 3am things returned to normal. Back to 70 with a normal wave.
Checked it a number of times and at rest the rate remained <72 with a normal wave.
Did a dozen laps around the first floor and the rate scaled up like it should of to around 90. When I stopped and sat it recovered to 70 in 2 or 3 minutes. The way it should.
I suspect that perhaps the anesthesia wore off. Don’t know if in the process of probing the heart they deploy some numbing agent and that wore off. The heart may have been dealing with all these probes floating around and shooting off electrical impulses. I’ll ask during the follow-up.
Hopefully, this will be the last one.
The pacemaker battery gets slammed while the hearts in afib. It has to repeatedly run routines to deal with the erratic rate. So I might be in sooner than later for a battery or new unit.