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  • keneddyr

Thoroughly DISGUSTED

Last night I ate about 400 calories of crap. That’s 1/9 of a pound of fat. I need to get back in the habit of daily logging and review to keep this on my mind.

Weighed in this morning and was down 1/2 pound. The measurements taken in January and now is another wake-up call. Every measurement point except for my wrists, ankles and feet were up. I’ve gained 11 pounds since the January weigh in and measurement.

I find the falling off the wagon somewhat disgusting since January. What I’m massively disgusted and pissed about is the measurement taken when I was 181 and now. 10 inches at my waist. 5 inches at my shoulder and chest. I didn’t catch the measurement and weigh in at my low point of 175.

So I thought our daycare responsibilities had ended, but we have the duty today and Friday. As a result I missed my opportunity to walk as he’s here through 1330.

Looked back at my weight history and my disgust about my battle is growing. On June 6th, 2016 I hit 177. About that time my Achilles injury forced me to basically sit in the chair for 18 months.

You can see from the image my max weight was 266.6 and I’m at 243.6. When I was in the 170s I felt pretty good. It was 8 years ago. I was 8 years younger. Not tired. Full of energy. It’s going to be a long battle.

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