“When did your weak back start? Oh about a week back. Nyuck Nyuck.” Curly Howard.
The issue started about 6 weeks ago. I was hitting tennis balls with the ball machine and had a few twinges in my lower back. Around where my waist band was. Happened a few more times over 2 weeks. Weather and a few other things has kept me off the court.
Over the past month it has gotten progressively worse. I started icing on Monday. Yesterday I added in the over the counter anti-inflammatory that the orthopedist has given me a few times. So far it seems a bit better. But I’ve seen that before over the past week.
I don’t want to go to urgent care. I’ll just wait it out until I return to Virginia.
It seems over the past 3 years I come to Maine with some injury or medical issue and I leave with something new. Last year it was a knee issue in May and a shoulder in August. This year afib and cataracts in June and now this back issue.